Bad Moon
Think of an episode of Lassie, just with a werewolf.
Bad Moon has some good werewolf animatronics and a short running time. That’s about it.
The script is awful. There’s no suspense (you know who the werewolf is from the get-go), the dialog is forced, and the character’s motivations seem to exist only to serve the film’s limited budget.
When you’re working with a bad script, there’s only so much a director can do, and director Eric Red doesn’t do much. His use of shots from the dog’s point of view add nothing to the story and come off gimmicky. There’s virtually no atmosphere established, and the action scenes are so tightly filmed you get the sense you’re looking at the same shot from different angles.
As I said, some of the werewolf animatronics were quite good, but the actual werewolf metamorphosis was a total burn. Instead of using makeup or animatronics, we’re instead treated to a cgi-morph sequence that looks amateurish at best.