Escape to Witch Mountain

Two young orphans (Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann) with mysterious powers find themselves on the run from a power hungry millionaire (Ray Milland) and his assistant (Donald Pleasence).
Escape to Witch Mountain is an entertaining, if dated, children’s adventure film that works thanks in large part to its strong cast.
Kim Richards and Ike Eisenmann are a solid pair of child actors. Both play their parts low-key, eschewing the over-the-top antics typical of many of their peers. Granted, the script helps, but Richards and Eisenmann radiate a decent amount of charisma and prove easy to root for, an asset that goes a long way toward glossing over their somewhat stilted dialog.
Opposite them, Ray Milland and Donald Pleasence do a great job as the film’s baddies, with Milland in particular serving up a comic book worthy visage as a maniacal millionaire, and Eddie Albert brings a warm presence as a crotchety loner won over by the children’s plight.
The biggest problem with Escape to Witch Mountain is its over-reliance on special effects. While the visuals may have been cutting edge 30 years ago, they’re amateurish now and undermine the film’s dramatic efforts. Fortunately, thanks to the strong cast, this isn’t a fatal blow, but one that may turn off later generations of savvy youngsters.