From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money

Vampirism spreads amongst a criminal crew during the after-hours robbery of a small Mexican bank.
One of Quentin Tarantino’s trademarks is a POV shot from the inside of a trunk. In From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, director Scott Spiegel gives us POV shots from the inside of just about everything.
And that’s the movie in a nutshell. It takes the little things that original From Dusk Till Dawn creators Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez used as stylish touches and runs them into the ground. Whether it’s the aforemetioned POV shots, or the surf rock soundtrack, or the stylized violence, the movie plays like a spoof of Tarantino and Rodriguez’s styles.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Robert Patrick’s surprisingly solid in the lead, (so much so that Tarantino would do well to consider him for a future role) and the script has more than a few funny moments.
It’s the last twenty minutes or so, when the movie’s reduced to a big shoot-out, that drag the movie down. Twenty minutes of aping Rodriguez’s visual style plays like one long, unfunny joke that leaves you itching for the fast-forward button.