I'm No Angel

After running afoul of the law, lion tamer (Mae West) flees to New York where she falls for a man (Cary Grant).
I’m No Angel is Mae West’s movie. Not only did she write the story and screenplay, but second billed Cary Grant doesn’t even appear until the film is almost half over.
Unfortunately, much like her earlier film She Done Him Wrong, Mae West’s shtick doesn’t age well. In the post-feminist era, the idea of a sexually liberated female is no longer shocking. Indeed, to a modern audience West is more likely to come across as arrogant rather than scandalous, and thus, Cary Grant’s character falling for West’s is very unbelievable.
That said, West does strut through the movie with considerable confidence, eclipsing everyone else, save Grant himself, on screen.
Unfortunately, like her or not, the film’s 87-minute running time is about twenty minutes too long. The rag-tag story bounces aimlessly for the first half, causing the movie to drag until Grant finally makes his appearance.
If you’re a fan of Mae West, you’ll likely love I’m No Angel, but if you’re not, you’d do well to avoid it. For those who’ve never seen West and want to find out for themselves, this is the film to see.