In Old Oklahoma

A cowboy (John Wayne) and a tycoon fight over oil-rights and a schoolmarm.
In Old Oklahoma (a.k.a. War of the Wildcats) is an easy enough western buoyed by good performances and production.
John Wayne is in full control as the lead, oozing his signature easy charm and handling the early comedy scenes with just as much finesse as the later action and drama sequences.
Albert Dekker turns in a very charismatic baddie, easily holding his own opposite Wayne on screen. Martha Scott is mostly solid as their mutual love interest, though her character does veer towards annoying during a few scenes. Supporting them is Gabby Hayes, a nice holdover from Wayne’s earlier low-budget westerns.
The good production belies the films modest budget. All the sets are well decorated and feel authentic, and the exterior shots, particularly the oil sequences are all well done.
If only In Old Oklahoma was a bit shorter. At 102 minutes, the film’s easily 10 minutes too long, with one too many climaxes. A leaner running time, and a slight rewrite of Scott’s character would have elevated the film to something special.