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by Frank Showalter

Intolerable Cruelty

B: 4 stars (out of 5)
2003 | United States | 100 min | More...
Reviewed Oct 24, 2003

A divorce lawyer meets his match in more ways than one.

Intolerable Cruelty is a devilishly clever comedy from the Coen brothers. Bucking the trend broad comedy with telegraphed punchlines, Intolerable Cruelty delivers dozens of subtle gags that will require multiple viewings to fully appreciate.

George Clooney delivers his usual charming self, Catherine Zeta-Jones is perfectly cast opposite him, and the supporting cast, while not as featured as a typical Coen brothers film, is still top-notch.

The script moves along well, but can be off putting for those not warmed to the Coen brothers brand of humour.

The direction is fantastic. In essence, the Coen brothers have taken a mainstream romantic comedy and added their own unique twist, resulting in a refreshing change of pace.