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by Frank Showalter


A-: 4.5 stars (out of 5)
2011 | NorwaySwedenDenmarkGermany | 100 min | More...
Reviewed Jan 5, 2022

An elite corporate head hunter finances his lavish lifestyle by stealing art from his prospects. This setup serves as a fulcrum for a clockwork plot. To reveal anymore would spoil the film’s myriad surprises.

But as a reviewer, I shall endeavor to convey a sense of watching the film. Imagine a Coen brothers noir filtered through European sensibilities. Assorted flawed and oddball characters cross paths. Many interactions culminate in brutal violence tinged with black comedy. It held me riveted, made me laugh, and left me impressed.

Viewing History

  • Watched on
    Fri, Dec 28, 2012 via Netflix
  • Watched on
    Wed, Jan 5, 2022 via Blu-ray (Magnolia Pictures, 2012)