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by Frank Showalter

Little Murders

D: 2 stars (out of 5)
1971 | United States | 108 min | More...
Reviewed Nov 29, 2021

In a New York City overflowing with muggers, obscene phone callers, and murderous snipers, Elliott Gould plays a nihilistic photographer who finds himself pursued by flighty optimist Marcia Rodd. It’s a black comedy that never winks at the audience despite its ever escalating level of insanity.

Director Alan Arkin elicits outstanding performances from his cast. Gould in particular delivers a deadpan turn that would make Bill Murray proud. But the numerous long take monologues betray the film’s stage origins. Lacking live theater’s intimacy, they drag. A more visual director might have elevated this to a true classic. Given the setting and tone, one pines for Brian De Palma.