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by Frank Showalter

Our Man Flint

B-: 3.5 stars (out of 5)
1966 | United States | 108 min | More...
Reviewed Dec 9, 2004

Super-agent Derek Flint must stop a geo-thermal plot to control the world.

Before there was Austin Powers there was Derek Flint. A renaissance man, a ladies man, and a secret agent man, Flint was smarter, sexier, and ultimately cooler than James Bond could ever hope to be.

Our Man Flint is all about James Coburn. His immense charisma charges the entire movie, and the way he plays the titular character (straight but never too seriously) is absolutely note-perfect.

Coburn’s performance aside the movie is pretty weak. With the exception Lee J. Cobb, everything else in the movie is just good enough to allow you to overlook it. From the stagey sets to the flimsy story, the movie really exists only as a showcase for Coburn. But you know what? It works.