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by Frank Showalter

The Poseidon Adventure

B: 4 stars (out of 5)
1972 | United States | 117 min | More...
Reviewed Dec 20, 2003

A strong-willed Reverend who leads a motley group of passengers in an attempt to escape a capsized ocean-liner.

The Poseidon Adventure was the itch that started the rash of disaster movies in the 70s. Easily the best of the lot, The Poseidon Adventure isn’t really a disaster movie per-se, but rather—as it’s name implies—an adventure.

The script spends takes just enough time to setup the premise, and then heads full steam into the action. The characterization is good, if a bit stereotypical, and script gives the audience characters they want to root for, which goes a long way toward making the whole movie more enjoyable.

Gene Hackman is particularly good as the strong-willed Reverend who shirks reliance on God in favor of reliance on self, and inspires his group to press on in spite of overwhelming odds. By the halfway point of the film you, as a viewer, are willing to follow him anywhere.

The Poseidon Adventure does show it’s age from time to time and some of the special effects are poor by modern standards, but they’re never so bad as to distract from the fun.