The Terminator
A cyborg (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent from the future to assassinate a woman (Linda Hamilton) destined to give birth to mankind’s savior in the war against the machines.
The Terminator is, on one level, a simple slasher movie. You have the unstoppable antagonist who kills (at first) seemingly at random, and the young single woman who becomes his prey. On another level it’s a great science fiction, with robots, time travel, and an apocalyptic setting. On yet another level it’s also a great action picture, with some fantastic chase scenes. On a final level, it’s also a great drama, with a woman finding her world turned upside down as an impossible responsibility is thrust upon her.
That the movie works on all these levels is a testament to the talent of writer/director James Cameron, who makes it look easy.
Granted, some of the fashions, settings and special effects don’t age very well, but these blemishes are more than overshadowed by the great script and equally great performances.