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by Frank Showalter

Thunder Road

C+: 3 stars (out of 5)
1958 | United States | 92 min | More...
Reviewed Nov 19, 2007

After returning home, a Korean War veteran (Robert Mitchum) tries to outrun the law and the mob while couriering moonshine.

Thunder Road is an entertaining pulp picture marred by some questionable casting choices.

Robert Mitchum is great as the lead. His tough, cool, persona perfectly suits the role of a veteran moon shiner. He’s absolutely believable from the opening frame.

Unfortunately, the rest of the cast isn’t quite as spot-on. Keely Smith has zero chemistry with Mitchum, making their entire romance seem improbable. Further, her wooden performance slows the otherwise snappy tempo whenever she’s on screen.

Equally questionable is the casting of Mitchum’s younger brother James. While the family resemblance is nice, James has none of his big brother’s charisma, a fact painfully apparent in the film’s finale.

Still, casting flubs aside, Thunder Road moves like gangbusters. The 92-minute running time flies by as Mitchum barrels around corners and chews up scenery. This is a pulp movie, to be sure, but it’s still quite entertaining.